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Our thoughts on the Eco Bag


· life
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Single use "things" are everywhere - being burnt, being buried or floating in the sea - quick to use and quick to throw away.

Here is one way we try to reduce the burden...

The Eco Bag.

One of our classics, this product has been offered since the early days of La Clef de Sol, twopart's sister brand.

We make our eco bag a little bit bigger so you can carry enough groceries

... or your beach kit... or your music sheets...

There is an inner pocket for your shopping list and receipts... or...

on your way to the market, push the bag into this pocket and carry as a "bag in bag".

Oh, the handle is bit longer, too.

It is a tiny action, but we do feel a little bit happy when we can say no to plastic bags.

We wish the same simple happiness to all of you who choose our eco bag.

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Single use - たった1度だけ使うというモノがあまりにも溢れている今日この頃。




twopart の sister brand, La Clef de Sol 当時からの私たちの定番商品です。




それかマーケットに行く時に、クルクルクルっとバッグを丸めてこのポケットに納めてコンパクトな Bag in Bag に。


それはとても些細なアクションだけど、プラスティックバッグに NO ! と言ったとき、ちょっとだけ嬉しくなります。


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